If you look back at just the last 12-14 months, we've all lived through a crazy time in shipping and logistics. From Tariff increases to the pandemic changing not only the speed at which our deliveries are made, but the cost has gradually gone up at least every quarter this year!
So far, FedEx, UPS, and the USPS have increased their rates through a peak season surcharge at least 3 times. Not to mention that they've pulled back all of the guarantees...which means we're paying more for less?
We're a bit accustomed to rates increasing during the holiday push, but raise your hand if you've been feeling it the entire year...!
What's our suggestion?
Partner up with a 3PL (Third Party Logistics) company. Why?
Some companies can offer you a substantial savings by partnering though them while accessing the same carrier programs.
Because UPS, FedEx and USPS will always be in business to make as much margin on you as possible.
3PL's are focused on offering great service and pricing.
They have vast knowledge and expertise as they handle multiple customers of different sizes.
Keep the carriers honest by benchmarking against what else is out there.

Choosing a good partner and program
At Bellhop Logistics, our goal is to be your coach and partner.
We understand we can't be everything to everyone, but here's what we can offer you and what we believe is a good guide to choosing your 3PL partner.
You partner needs to be carrier agnostic - This is important to us because we understand you need flexibility and a partner that has the knowledge and expertise to tell you the pros and cons of each carrier, while not being limited and can offer you exactly what you need in one place.
Your partner should provide you a service - Most sales reps and companies talk about savings and we too understand how important that is, but it isn't everything! At Bellhop, we're all about providing you an experience. One that fills you with the ease and confidence of knowing that someone has your back thick and thin and can help take things off your plate, reduce constant headaches and still do it all while offering you a competitive program!
Your partner needs to be easy & flexible - Are you having to jump through hoops to get what you need? Are there service contracts pushed your way? At Bellhop, we offer all of our programs at No Cost (really no fees whatsoever), No Contract (No need to commit!), No volume requirements (this is a big one!). It's important that you get a chance to test drive the car. We offer our deeply discounted programs with no need to commit any of your volume; ship 1 a month...no problem! We're all about letting our service and competitive offers shine through and THIS is what keeps us partnered with our clients.
The list goes on...but we believe these are 3 key reasons you should prioritize when choosing a 3PL partner. Bellhop Logistics can offer you all of the above and more and we pride ourselves on the service enhancement we offer and tell you with confidence "we don't work for the carriers, we work for YOU."
So when price increases got you down, look for a partner that can help you plan and can build a custom program that's catered to your business.
Now is the time...! Reach out to us and we'll help you get your 2021 (and beyond) set up right!
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